‘Fill us up and send us out’ are lyrics from the Tim Hughes’ song ‘God of Justice.’ They perfectly embody Jesus’s ‘Great Commission’ (Matt 28:16-20), reminding us that empowerment from the Holy Spirit is not to make us feel good and satisfy our own needs, but to enable us to be witnesses to Jesus and hold out the word of life to those who are spiritually dead.

‘We must go, live to feed the hungry,
Stand beside the broken:
We must go.
Stepping forward; keep us from just singing;
Move us into action:
We must go.’ (‘God Of Justice’, Tim Hughes)

Apart from the meetings at our own church, there are many other Pentecostal churches locally who are seeking to be God’s light and love in their local communities. One such church (Liberty Church in Rotherham) is hosting a series of meetings from 21-25 May entitled ‘Now Is the Time.’ Nathan Marrow from ‘Shake the Nations’ is one of the speakers, with Jonathan Hulton, Rachel Azer, Jonathan Cornathe and Rachel Hickson also speaking. Tickets to these meetings are free, but because of space restrictions, have to be booked in advance. (See the website link above for further details.) God is doing great things in our area and we are excited about the way the Holy Spirit is speaking to our churches and directing us. We long for more of His love and power so that we may serve our amazing God more effectively. Let’s seek Him with all our hearts and celebrate Pentecost with joy and expectation, knowing that as God pours out His Spirit on us, we can be empowered to fulfil the Great Commission (see Acts 1:8.)