Kevin preached from Matthew 14:13-33 last night, the account of the feeding of the five thousand and when Jesus (and Peter) walked on water.
The example of Peter shows us a warm-hearted, impulsive fisherman who could at times be presumptuous, and even, perhaps, a little cowardly.
The example of the boy who shared his food with the disciples and ultimately helped with one of Jesus’s miracles shows us a well-loved lad (he had a packed lunch, lovingly prepared for him) who was big-hearted and generous. He was willing to share and because of that he played a vital part in the feeding of so many. What can Jesus do if we are willing to share our time, our talents, our money, our life with Him?
The example of Jesus, of course, teaches us so much. These incidents follow on from the death of John the Baptist, and Jesus has gone to be alone. Followed by a great crowd, he has compassion on the crowd. He does not put His own needs before theirs, but constantly seeks to be with His Father in prayer. As has been said, “if we spent as much time in prayer as we do watching the news, maybe we could change the news.” Jesus sought His Father’s face and from those times of prayer, reached out to others in ministry.
The disciples, caught up in a storm, needed help. The help Jesus offered to them was immediate. He did not leave them in fear, but reassured them. Peter walked on the water, keeping his eyes on Jesus and was confident, but once he looked away, he began to sink and needed help: ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus reached out to help him. The ultimate example we have from Jesus is that He is always, immediately, there with us, truly Immanuel.