Ephesians 5 starts with an exhortation to be imitators of God, which we do by ‘living a life of love’. Very practically, there are aspects of behaviour which are no longer acceptable for God’s people, but more than this, our whole lives need to be surrendered to God. We need to find out what pleases God (vs 10) and should live carefully and wisely, making the most of every opportunity, being filled with the Spirit and speaking with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Instead of foolishness and drunkenness, we honour others before ourselves and learn submission to each other along with thankfulness.

Ephesians 5:20 goes even further than 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in telling us to give thanks for everything. Dave asked us if this verse is too much of a challenge and if it is possible to do this. Although difficult to do, God’s grace and strength are sufficient for every situation we may face. Through tears and anguish, we choose to give thanks to God because He is sovereign and is bringing good out of every situation (Romans 8:28); we give thanks in obedience and in faith: “I can’t live by what I feel, but by the truth Your word reveals” (Casting Crowns, ‘East to West’)

The second half of the chapter looks at the often contentious issue of submission. The whole emphasis is on submitting to one another just as we submit to Christ, doing nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but considering others better than ourselves (Phil 2:3)

In our relationships with each other, we should aim to be like Christ who loves His church so much that He gave His life for her. We are called to love one another in obedience to Christ’s commands and as a witness to the world.