Today’s Bible passage is Matthew 4:1-11 (the temptation of Jesus) and the household object is the mobile phone.
You might wonder at the connection between the two, but the author of ‘At Home In Lent’ (Gordon Giles) reminds us of the distraction which a mobile phone can cause (especially while driving) and how the devil wishes to distract us from doing God’s will.
Often the devil’s ‘distractions’ seem plausible, even laudable (he even quoted the Bible to back them up!) But Jesus was not deceived or led astray. He was rooted and grounded in the whole of God’s word, as we need to be. He continued to trust and obey God and to worship Him alone, even in the wilderness. We too must not shy away from the issues and challenges that face us, but must also not exclude God from the everyday. Technology has not, and never will, replace the need for ongoing communication with God, a communication we call prayer.