Garry spoke about Dave the Donkey tonight, using the ‘Lost Sheep’ resources to tell the story of the first Palm Sunday and the role played in it by a donkey. Our own donkey (Dave the 133rd) introduced the story.

Palm Sunday reminds us how crowds are easily swayed; on that occasion, they hailed Jesus as a king, but less than a week later were answering Pontius Pilate and shouting ‘Crucify him!’ We need stability in our lives so that we are not easily swayed and easily influenced. Eph 4:11-14 reminds us that we are not to be tossed around but should be rooted and built up in Christ (see also Col 2:2-4, 6-7). God is looking for us to be mature, not like infants who exist only on milk (see Heb 5:11-14).We need to be reading God’s word daily so that it can cleanse us and help us to grow (see Eph 5:25-26).To be stable is to be built up and strengthened through the relationships and ministries of the church, but all this is built on the Word of God, without which we will be tossed about. With it, we will be rooted, strong and stable.