A special night of worship is being held on Saturday 1st December at 7.30 p.m. at the Chantry Chapel (off St Mary in the Bridge) in Wakefield. This is called ‘There Is A Light’ and is intended to be a prophetic statement about Jesus being the Light of the world. Many of you will remember Ant and Sarah Lee who were with us in Goldthorpe while Ant was a student at Mattersey Bible College. They will be leading this worship night and we are all invited to join in!
We are also involved in a joint churches’ carol service on Friday 21st December at 7 p.m. Local churches in Goldthorpe will be joining together to celebrate Christ outdoors (the service will be held, weather permitting, in the grounds of Goldthorpe Parish Church on Lockwood Road). Do come along and join in this service – children from local schools will also be joining us for this occasion.
Our own carol service will be held at church on Sunday 23rd December, starting at 6 p.m. That will be a mix of the traditional and the not-so-traditional and will definitely be an interactive service!
This is a tremendous time to speak to our friends, colleagues and neighbours of the ‘reason for the season’ and we would encourage you to invite people to these services and to make every effort to attend local services where we can join together in lifting up Jesus Christ.