Dave spoke this morning from Phil 1:3-6, about the confidence we can have in God. Ps 19:1 reminds us that the heavens declare the glory of God, that the whole universe reminds us of God’s greatness and power. Confidence is a quiet assurance, but our confidence can easily be shaken by difficult circumstances or unanswered prayer. We need to have confidence in God and not ourselves!
Paul writes to the Philippians to encourage them to have confidence in God’s people, God’s plan and God’s provision. Paul is thankful for the Philippian believers and for their partnership in the gospel. They have lived out the truth of the gospel, supporting Paul financially and helping him. We too can be grateful for the people God has placed with us in our church.
We can also be confident that God has a plan for us (individually and corporately) and that He hasn’t finished with us yet! God provides in abundance for us, answering our prayers as we step out in faith. The truth is that Jesus is still building His church and we can have confidence in Him. We remember the past, live in the present and are confident of our future in Him.