As Valentine’s Day approaches this week, Stephen spoke this morning at Cherry Tree Court about the love we have for our God. Earthly love is celebrated on Valentine’s Day, and we all have different ways of expressing our love, but God calls us to love Him with all our heart, soul and strength (Deut 6:5).

The heart is our life source, beating all the time and enabling us to exist. This reminds us that our love for God needs to be shown all the time; it is not something for special occasions only. Our soul is the ‘real’ person inside our physical bodies. We may only be able to see the outside, but God sees all of us and we are called to love Him with all that we are. Often, we may feel that our physical shortcomings and lack of strength prevent us from loving God fully, but God wants us to love Him with all our strength. Our love for God needs to be committed and whole-hearted; we need to love Him to the max!

We love ultimately because God loves us. His love is constant, faithful, unchanging. We are called to love Him in the same way, not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day!