Bible Sunday 25th October

Bible Sunday is this coming Sunday (25th October), with both services (10.30 a.m. and 6 p.m.) celebrating the role of the Bible in every Christian’s life. Find out what our favourite Bible verses are and why and how the pieces of the Bible jigsaw fit together! Don’t forget that there will be a Christian bookstall on Sunday, with books, calendars, Christmas cards and devotional guides on sale.

Bible Sunday 2015Baptismal Service 7th November

On Saturday 7th November at 6 p.m. there will be a baptismal service at GPCC. Always one of our favourite celebrations, a baptismal service celebrates new life in Christ and gives the opportunity to hear about what God is doing in the lives of local people. If you’d like to be baptised, contact Garry or Julie for further information. After the service (which will use our new portable baptistery for the first time), there will be refreshments served, so come along to find out more about this important outward sign of God’s grace in our lives.


Mission Aviation Fellowship visit 15th November

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) will be visiting us on Sunday 15th November at 6 p.m. Come along to find out more about this amazing charity, which seeks to fly missionaries and medical help to remote areas of the world. Hear what God’s doing in other parts of the world and be encouraged as you learn about what a difference each person can make.

MAF plane