Work in the children’s room was completed today, with the boilers being boxed in and the sink unit fitted.

How it looked at the start:

IMG_20140924_143317674-1Making the frame:

IMG_20140924_153739420IMG_20140924_153752410Adding doors to allow access for the boilers to be serviced:

IMG_20140925_114153917The completed work:

IMG_20140925_162258137Then work started on the sink unit (to allow for access for messy activities such as painting at Sunday School):

IMG_20140925_145802482_HDRIMG_20140925_133859759_HDRAll finished, including tiling!

IMG_20140925_162204640Our thanks to Dave for his very capable organisation of these works and to Russ for his joinery skills. Most of the refurbishment work is now complete, though some work on the stage area (replacing the curtains with a concertina partition and laying a carpet in this area) remains to be done next week.