Tonight’s family service looked at our identity as children of the King of Kings. Garry spoke from 1 Tim 1:17 and Romans 8:16-18, reminding us that God has chosen us to be His children and treats us exactly as He treats His beloved Son. Once, when on holiday in Bridlington with a friend and his family, Garry was given the same money to spend at the amusement arcade that his friend’s mother gave to all her children. He was treated exactly the same as her own family.

hand-held-outIn the same way, God treats us exactly as He treats Jesus; we are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. We may feel timid, diffident, unworthy and as though we do not belong in God’s family, but He treats us as children of God.

Mark reminded us that God chose us before the foundation of the world and that since God is the King of all the universe, we are ‘rich and famous’ in the Lord. We are God’s special people (1 Pet 2:9), handpicked by God.