A Mother’s Love

Dave spoke this morning on a mother’s love. A mother’s love is very great, and even as Jesus hung on the cross, He thought about His mother (see John 19:26-27). Today (Mothering Sunday in the UK) is the day when we pay tribute to mothers and are reminded...

Down On Our Level

I spend a lot of time on the floor. I look after my youngest granddaughter twice a week and as she’s only one, I spend a lot of time on her level, playing with her. She’s learning to stand and walk and isn’t yet steady on her feet. It hurst my back...

Family Photos

It’s apt that today’s object on Mothering Sunday is ‘family photos’. The Bible passage is Matthew 12:46-50, where Jesus talks about family, reminding us that ‘whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.’ Family photos are a way of...


Today’s household object is the invisible but immensely useful electricity, and our Bible passage is Matthew 14:15-33, where Jesus walks on water in a storm and encourages Peter to do the same. Electricity is another double-edged sword, so to speak, providing us with...

The Kettle

Today’s household object is the kettle and our Bible passage for today is Isaiah 64:1-5. I was thirteen years old when I realised that the kettle I had taken for granted all my life was not ubiquitous. We were on a holiday to France, my first time abroad, and staying...

Come Anyway!

Today at our Parent & Toddler group we are celebrating World Book Day by dressing up as favourite book characters and by having an opportunity to buy quality children’s books from Scholastic Books. We don’t meet on Thursdays and couldn’t...