
Tonight’s family service looked at the theme of ‘Unloved’. Mark organised a quiz for us to identify unwanted or unloved or obsolete objects: I hope you’re better at guessing what these are than I was!1) Vinyl LP2) Old steam iron3) Broken...

But God

Throughout the month of January, God has been impressing on me that He is the God of hope (Rom 15:13) who can turn even the most desperate situations around. During the prayer walks, ‘discovering’ Hope Avenue (despite walking past it for six years and...

Igor at Las Iguanas

Igor went on another adventure this week, sadly without me! He was taken out to Las Iguanas, a restaurant in Meadowhall which obviously needs to cater for iguanas! Apparently the waitress was impressed to meet Igor and the food there (for humans) was very enjoyable,...

Prayer pointers

One of the benefits of the Internet is that there is a lot of information readily available to us to help inform our prayers. Local authorities produce a lot of statistics and information about our areas which can help us to have a factual understanding of issues...

February prayer

Thursday (31st January) will see the last prayer meeting of the month, with the whole church encouraged to pray and fast on this day to conclude the first month of prayer and fasting of 2013.Prayer is not a New Year’s resolution which lasts for only one month,...

Small church, but a big God

Dave preached from Acts 19:8-20 last night, looking at how the church in Ephesus engaged in prayer, one of the chief weapons in our armoury. Ephesus was a city in the grip of superstition, sexual immorality and witchcraft. People lived in fear and darkness, but Paul...