I will tell the wondrous story

Philip Paul Bliss (1838-1876) was a well known teacher, evangelist and soloist. He wrote many hymns, inlcuding ‘I will sing of my Redeemer’ and the melody to ‘It is well with my soul.’ He died at the young age of thirty-eight in a train crash....

Cross of Gold

A friend of mine once remarked wryly that I ‘have a song for every occasion.’ I don’t know about that, but as I was listening to the sermon on the atoning cross last night, I couldn’t help thinking about a song (from 1993, as it turns out!)...

The Atoning Cross

Stephen spoke on brands and logos last night. We live in a visual society dominated by media and advertising. To be a successful company, you have to be well known, and marketing – including having an instantly recognisable logo – is all part of the...

Living in the Light of the Resurrection

Some of you may remember the 1979 Number 1 hit by the Boomtown Rats called ‘I Don’t Like Mondays’. According to Bob Geldof, he wrote the song after reading a telex report about the shooting spree of a 16 year old American girl called Brenda Ann Spencer who fired at...

This Man

During Communion this morning we focussed on ‘this man’ and all He has done for us in bearing our sin at Calvary and how ‘the veil was torn so we could haveThis open door and all these things haveFinally been complete ‘ (‘This Man’,...

April prayer focus

The topic for prayer for April is addictions. Pray for all suffering from addictions of any kind, especially drug and alcohol addictions:• Pray that God will impact the lives of people with addictions• Pray they will be delivered from their addictions• Pray they will...