Tribology and its spiritual applications!

You will be used to my love of words by now, but this lovely word came from Garry’s engineering background, referenced in today’s sermon on mutual affection. Tribology (a branch of mechanical engineering) is the science and engineering of interacting...

Mutual affection

Garry continued his series on 2 Peter 1:3-8 this morning, looking at ‘mutual affection’ or ‘brotherly kindness’. There is a tendency to pass over this when reading the list because we think ‘love’ (agape) is more important, but this...

Prayer and praise

Tonight’s Bible study looked at just one verse: “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.” (James 5:13)Trouble can come in many shapes and forms: health worries, financial concerns, problems with...

Further musings on immutability

After preaching on the unchanging nature of God on Sunday, it’s not surprising that I am still meditating on that great attribute of God’s nature. Two songs I’ve been listening to recently also focus on the immutability of God. One looks at the fact...

Defining moments

There are defining moments in history and in a person’s life, that point at which the essential nature or character of a person is revealed or identified or shaped. There are moments in life which seem especially significant or important, decisions which are...

God of Brilliant Lights

Aaron Shust, one of my favourite Christian artists, is set to release a new album (‘Morning Rises’) this July, an event I was already eagerly anticipating even before the release of this video of one of the tracks thereon!The God of brilliant lights is...