This Man

During Communion this morning we focussed on ‘this man’ and all He has done for us in bearing our sin at Calvary and how ‘the veil was torn so we could haveThis open door and all these things haveFinally been complete ‘ (‘This Man’,...

April prayer focus

The topic for prayer for April is addictions. Pray for all suffering from addictions of any kind, especially drug and alcohol addictions:• Pray that God will impact the lives of people with addictions• Pray they will be delivered from their addictions• Pray they will...

The Cross Stands Above It All

Good Friday will always be one of the most significant dates in the Christian calendar. The day when Christ sacrificed Himself, once for all, for our sins is probably the event which brings us to our knees in awe and thanksgiving more than any other day. The song...

Great expectations

Garry spoke on ‘Great Expectations’ last night, looking at Palm Sunday from the angle of how God sometimes seems a disappointment. Matthew 21:1-11 and John 12:12-15 tell us the story of Palm Sunday, how the Jews welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem on the back of...

Joy Set Before Us

Mark spoke from Hebrews 12:1-2 this morning, the second in a trilogy of sermons from Hebrews (the first looked at Hebrews 2, ‘But we see Jesus’). In these verses we read about the joy set before Jesus and the need for endurance. Things we have to endure...

Change & growth

My boss -a faith-filled optimist who is the Tigger to my Eeyore as far as personality is concerned – is fond of saying “Change is here to stay.” He views change as inevitable and with the same enthusiasm and anticipation that a child awaits...