God is strong!

Strength probably conjures up different pictures in our minds: strong buildings… … or strong people: or super-heroes: We might think of Samson (single-handedly killing a lion in Judges 14:5-6 and killing thirty men in one go at Ashkelon in Judges 14:19):...

Learning to lean

Garry spoke from Jer 2:13 this morning at Cherry Tree Court, a verse which talks about how God’s people commit a serious error when, instead of coming to God, the source of living water, they insist upon digging cisterns which leak like sieves. In ancient times,...

Saviour of the world

This week’s Bible study looked at 1 John 4:12-14. Earlier in the chapter, John has talked about knowing God and the evidence for this being our love. Now, he moves on to talk about our visible love being a pointer to God. No one can ever see God in all His glory...

More carpets…

Work has been going on in church to replace the stage curtains with a concertina partition and to carpet the stage area. The partition is not yet fully functional, but the carpet has now been fitted. The stage minus the curtains: The partitions as they arrived: The...

Coming this week…

Local churches have a number of special events this week. At Furlong Road Methodist Church, there is a special healing service on Friday 10th October  starting at 6 p.m.  (all are welcome to attend) and on Saturday 11th October from 10 a.m. until 12 noon, the...


Part of the family service involved solving riddles. People were very good at these! See how you get on! Riddle 1 What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you’ll die? Riddle 2 What has...