Garry spoke from Jer 2:13 this morning at Cherry Tree Court, a verse which talks about how God’s people commit a serious error when, instead of coming to God, the source of living water, they insist upon digging cisterns which leak like sieves. In ancient times, water was stored in cisterns which were lined with clay to make them water-proof, but if the holes dug were not properly lined, water would simply leak away. In any case, stored water is never as good as that which is fresh and flowing, but our human tendency to independence means we often want to rely on our own efforts than learn to lean on God.

Today’s individualistic society discourages dependence in any form, but we are naive if we think we can actually control life. There is so much beyond our control – weather, health, even the supply of water, gas and electricity to our homes which we take for granted in this country. We need to learn that God never intended us to live life independently of Him and that He is able to carry all our cares and burdens, because He cares for us. (1 Pet 5:7) Learning to lean is an essential part of growing in Christ. Dependence on Christ is not a weakness, but everyday trust is a sign of maturity. Let’s learn to lean!