Developing the family likeness

Last night’s Bible study looked at 1 John 3:4-10, where John tells us how we can know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are. A family likeness has to be developed within those who are born of God (v9, a phrase echoed in 1 John 2:29,...

Big Church Night In

Many of you will have read about the ‘Big Church Day Out’, which is held in Sussex over the May Spring Bank Holiday weekend, an opportunity to worship with other Christians and learn more of God. Following on from this, the organisers have arranged for...

Hypothetical grace

There is no such thing as hypothetical grace. Grace is real, freely given by God to His people, freely available to us, given generously and without fault. His grace is sufficient for us in every situation we may face (see 2 Cor 12:8-9). The reason some of us doubt...

Common grace

Rom 1:18-19 tells us ‘what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has...

Birthdays and food banks

It was Mark’s birthday today! We also listened to an update as to what is required for the food bank (tinned meats, tinned vegetables, cereals and jams, marmalade and lemon curd) and were asked to come up with fund-raising ideas to help with this. We had an...

Every day or everyday?

It’s easy for us to take people and things for granted and grace can, sadly, become something which fails to thrill our hearts if we do this. ‘Familiarity breeds contempt’, the proverb says. The problem with so much of ‘everyday church’ is that we equate ‘every day’...