Stepping into the unknown

The Queen’s Christmas broadcast is now a familiar part of British tradition, but Garry mentioned another royal speech in this morning’s sermon. In 1939, at the start of the Second World War, King George VI’s Christmas speech included the comment “A...

God’s Plans

New Year’s resolutions abound at this time of year, largely because we like being in control of our lives and want to be prepared for all that may await us in the future. However, in all our planning and resolving, sometimes we leave God out. James reminds us...

Minor changes…

There’s always a job to be done in a building! Over the holidays, some minor changes have been made (one to the website… I’m interested to see who notices the change to the home page.) We have replaced our information cards used at the coffee...

January news

Hard though it is to believe, we’ve finally arrived at 2015! For many, today is the first day at work of the New Year when life slowly gets back to normal after the holiday festivities. Our first family service of the year is on 4th January, looking at the theme...

More party games

Some of the party games devised by Mark are not quite what you’d expect, however! The adult version of ‘Musical Chairs’ involves the men getting women to sit on their knees when the music stops and vice versa for the women’s round! These photos...

Party games

Some of the party games played at the New Year’s Day party were quite ordinary… men vs women in ‘Charades’, for example: … or ‘Musical Chairs’ for children: In this game, when the music stopped, you had to pretend to be Santa...