Death by sugar…?!

It’s something of a family tradition that my father buys me something to do with cooking for Christmas. Over the years, he’s bought me a milk frother, a juicer, a tagine and a yogurt maker: in fact, a casual glance in my kitchen cupboards will probably...

For all that You have done

I have never quite got the hang of New Year’s Eve or New Year’s resolutions. I can understand the point of marking dates and remembering special occasions, but the world’s way of celebrating, with copious amounts of alcohol immediately followed by...


As we look back on 2014, different people will have different perspectives. For some, it has been an exciting year, full of promise. For others, it has been a difficult year, with illness or bereavement predominant. Everyone has a different view based on what has...

Christmas Lasts…

Last night’s sermon looks at how Christmas lasts. It’s easy after Christmas to be struck by the Christmas slump, when the combination of exhaustion and overeating makes us feel as though we never want to move again! As we survey our gifts (and all the...

What’s Christmas All About?

Dave asked us the intriguing question today ‘what would an alien think Christmas was all about, based on our Christmas cards and celebrations?’ The alien might assume Christmas was a celebration of winter, with many cards featuring snow scenes: Another...

A God who delivers

This morning’s service to celebrate Christ’s birth featured a choice of carols from the congregation (including ‘Silent Night’, ‘Christians, awake’, ‘In The Bleak Midwinter’, ‘Away in a Manger’ and ‘O...