God’s Grace

Guest speaker Yan Hadley spoke tonight on the subject of grace and its effects on believers, looking at Acts 11, where believers at Antioch were first called Christians. God’s grace in their lives meant they were no longer living for themselves but for Christ...

The Father’s Lavish Love

Dave spoke this morning from 1 John 3:1, about the Father’s lavish love for us. Sin separated us from God, but His great love reached out to us. He could have rejected us and left it at that, but out of His great lov efor us, He brought us into His family. God...

The Lows And Highs of Funding Applications

Yesterday (16th June) was a day of lows and highs concerning funding applications, which got me thinking, simply because of the timings lending a synchronicity to my day that made me smile wryly (after crying copiously). I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time on...

All’s Well That Ends Well

‘All’s Well That Ends Well’ is a play by William Shakespeare, a comedy that reminds us that however many obstacles are faced in life, a happy ending pleases everyone. All too often in life, we are faced with the awkward truth that not everything does end well for us,...

Biblical Allegory

Allegory is a literary device in which a story points to a hidden or symbolic parallel meaning. The story is enjoyable and complete in its own right, but it points to something else at the same time: Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ and C. S. Lewis’s ‘The Chronicles of...

Only The Brave

Garry spoke tonight on Christian bravery. Christians are often portrayed as wimps, followers of the ‘meek and mild’ Jesus who must always turn the other cheek, no matter what happens. Isaiah 43:1-2 reminds us, though, that God has promised to be with us in...