Andrew from Open Doors spoke to us today about the work of the charity (begun by Brother Andrew in 1955 to help distribute Bibles to the persecuted church in Poland and Russia) and how our prayers and support can help Christians persecuted for their faith throughout the world.

He brought a map of Korea (North Korea is the country where the most persecution of Christians takes place) and a map of Afghanistan as well as artefacts from those two countries (which are no. 1 and 2 on the ‘Watch List’ of countries where persecution of Christians is rife.)

Other countries which particularly need our prayers are Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Eristrea, Yemen, Iran, Nigeria and India. In North Korea, it is illegal to witness to Christ and many Christians are put in labour camps which are effectively extermination camps, as most people die there. Christians in these camps are forced to meet in cess pits because these are the only places to which the guards will not go.

Afghanistan has been in the news recently, and the natives are suffering terribly at present, yet despite this, many are coming to faith in Christ and there is revival going on in that country as people attest to the power of the resurrection of Jesus. In China, the Communist regime still insists that churches do not have crosses in them but put up portraits of Communist leaders instead. Video cameras are used to record services and the movement of Christians.

Despite appalling persecution, however, Christians in these countries prove the truth of Matt 5:10-12. They may be forced to live in degrading and humiliating circumstances, but they hold on to eternal truths and testify to the presence and power of Christ with them in all circumstances.