One of the joys of birthdays in my household is receiving new books and CDs, prized far above all other presents (though these are gratefully received as well, I hasten to add!) I am contentedly exploring a new Eugene Peterson book (‘Five Smooth Stones for Pastoral Work‘, looking at the Wisdom books in the Bible), enjoying a new mediaeval mystery (‘Treachery’, by S. J. Parris) and finally listening in uninterrupted peace to Kutless’s new album ‘Glory’. In addition, I have also received the new CD from Rend Collective Experiment entitled ‘The Art of Celebration’, the first album I have ever had from this Irish group.

One of the reasons I love listening to different expressions of worship in song is that my mind is focussed on truth in a form which lodges deep within. In our Bible studies, we have been looking at 1 John 2 and verse 14 really struck me: ‘the word of God lives in you.’ For us to flourish and grow in Christ, we have to know His word and allow that word to shape our thinking. These songs do that for me – listen to ‘More Than Conquerors’ whose lyrics remind us of 1 John 4:4:

‘We are more than conquerors, through Christ
You have overcome this world, this life
We will not bow to sin or to shame
We are defiant in Your name
You are the fire that cannot be tamed
You are the power in our veins.’ (‘More Than Conquerors’, Rend Collective Experiment)

or ‘In Jesus’ Name’, where the gospel truths of Acts 4:12 are powerfully captured:

‘In Jesus’ name our sins are washed away,
In Jesus’ name we are rescued, we are saved,
For love has come to make a way for us,
In Jesus’ name there is freedom for the broken,
In Jesus’ name there is healing for the hopeless,
For all our days, we rest in Jesus’ name.’ (‘In Jesus’ Name’, Kutless)

These Biblical truths transform our wrong thinking and enable us to see God afresh.