Hungering and thirsting for righteousness

Garry spoke from Matthew 5:6 last night, continuing his series on the Beatitudes which describe the characteristics God wants His children to have if we are to be God’s heroes.The word ‘righteousness’ used to describe a straight or true lance which...

The Armour of God

At January’s family service we looked at the topic of divine clothes, but God not only provides clothes for us to wear, He gives us armour to put on and weapons to use.Ephesians 6:10-20 reminds us that we are involved in a spiritual battle. This battle is not...

More street names

Here are some of the streets we prayed for yesterday to add to your prayers:Probert Avenue(listed in Wikipedia as the place where Brian Blessed comes from!) Lincoln Gardens Welfare View Dearne View Straight Lane(the Salvation Army is based on this street and we prayed...

Snow hope?

Snow finally arrived in Goldthorpe this week, and led to the prayer meeting on Thursday being cancelled. This morning, however, there were willing workers clearing the driveway so that the coffee morning could go ahead as usual: It didn’t stop us carrying on...


As a church, we have set aside this first month of 2013 to pray and fast. We want to hear what God has to say to us and we want to know His direction and guidance. We want to rise up and do His will.On Sunday, we sang a song that was very popular in the 1980s:...