This morning, Dave spoke about an unlikely heroine in the Bible, Ruth. The book of Ruth starts with the decision of Elimelek to move to Moab during a time of famine. He and his wife, Naomi, and two sons moved to Moab, and there, his sons married Moabite women, Orpah and Ruth (contrary to God’s laws). When all the men die during this period, Naomi decides to return to Israel. Initially, her daughters-in-law wish to return, but it is only Ruth who persists and proves loyal and faithful, despite her country of origin.
It is hard to know if the decision to move to Moab was the right one, but it seems the family operated on a pragmatic level. Often, we do things because of expediency rather than waiting for a direct word from God. It’s easy to compromise and detour from the path of righteousness.
God wants us to follow His ways, no matter what. In returning to Israel, Naomi showed us the way back to God always involves repentance, which is the only way to blessing. God constantly calls us all to repentance and is willing for us to be restored. Ruth becomes an unlikely heroine in the story, an ancestor of King David, despite her origins. She reminds us that faith in and loyalty to God can arise in unlikely place, and that God can use anyone for His glory.