Garry spoke this morning at Cherry Tree Court about the need for good directions when walking. He enjoys ambling (not quite as dedicated as rambling or hiking!), but sometimes gets into bother if not following a map which can point out streams, hills and other features which must be factored in to any walk. In life (which can be compared to a walk or journey), there are many different terrains and it is easy simply to wander without aim. We can go along with the crowd, assuming they know the way, but just because someone is ahead of us doesn’t mean they know where they are going either!

Jesus warned of the dangers of following the crowd in Matt 7:13. We need wisdom on life’s journeys, wisdom from God which helps us find the right paths (see Prov 2:6-8). God has the ‘overview’ (rather better even than Google maps!) which can guide us through all life’s peaks and troughs. He gives guidance daily which will make our paths straight (see Prov 3:5-8) and help us make the right choices at the crossroads in life, but it is so easy to begin with God and then carry on with our own strategies. God’s ways are not our ways, and we must resist living life on automatic pilot, assuming our ways will help us to reach God’s destination. Instead, we guard against wrong turns and bad directions by listening to God (Prov 2:12-15). Life is like a maze of detours and dead ends, but when we follow God, He promises to be with us always, even in the dark times.

Where are we boldly going to go in life? Will we follow others, our own instinct or God? Only by following God’s guidance and God’s ways can we hope to reach our God-given destinations.