Dave spoke last Sunday from Acts 3:1-10, the tale of a miraculous healing. Peter and John, transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, healed a man whose life was a human tragedy. His physical needs had prevented him from playing and working; he was limited in so many ways. This kind of tragedy unfolds all around us, but for every one who is crippled physically, there are literally tens of thousands who are crippled emotionally and there are hundreds of thousands who are crippled spiritually. All of us need the healing touch of Jesus to transform our lives.
But that healing touch was transmitted by human hands. Often, people don’t think of going to church or asking God to help meet their needs. Peter and John did not have the money for which the man asked, but they had something much more wonderful: the healing he needed. It’s hard at times for us to differentiate between needs and wants, but the truth is that God knows what we need and is able to meet all our needs. The man may have asked for alms, but God gave him legs!
Peter and John prayed in Jesus’s name and the man was healed. He got up and began walking and jumping around – not for him the slow process that a child has to go through to learn to walk! Not only did he receive physical healing; he received affirmation that God loved him and saw him.
People need what we have. Are we willing to share, as Peter and John were? Are we willing to wait on God for His power so that we actually have something to share? If so, we will see lives transformed as this man’s was.