Nicky Gumbel’s notes on today’s Bible readings in the ‘Bible In One Year’ reading plan speak of 5Ts essential to life.

t-letterThese are, he says:

  1. Trust (the Christian life is not meant to be one of ‘self-dependent toil, but of dependent trust,’ reminding us that ‘if you want your work to have lasting value, you need to make sure you are partnering with the Lord and not going it alone.’)
  2. Trials (a challenge of life that test our faith and develop perseverance, according to James 1:3-4. Lance Watson said, ‘Every storm is a school. Every trial is a test. Every experience is an education. Every difficulty is for development.’)
  3. Temptation (it seems that whilst opportunity may only knock once, temptations lean on the doorbell and face us constantly, but as we considered on Sunday, temptation is not sin, but rather a call to battle.)
  4. Tongue (we are called to watch our words, to listen more than we speak and to speak words of edification to others. See James 1:19-21 and James 3:10-12)
  5. Turn (God calls us to turn from our wicked ways towards Him (Is 55:6-7) and reminds us that our role is to ‘warn the wicked to turn from their ways’ (Ezek 33:9))

To this, I would add a 6th T – ‘Thankfulness‘, for when we give thanks in all circumstances, we can be sure we’re in God’s will. (1 Thess 5:18)