When we learn about shapes in school, we have lots of different names to learn! 3D shapes are those which have three dimensions (length, height and depth) and we have to learn about how many faces, vertices (corners) and edges they have. A shape with four faces is a tetrahedron (rather like this triangular pyramid) and the four themes of Advent (hope, peace, joy, love) are rather like that shape, giving us the opportunity to look at different themes which all come together to make one coherent whole.

In a similar way, the nine-fold fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) are like a nonahedron, a shape that has nine faces (see below.) We need all these fruit in our lives, but they form one whole.

When looking specifically at the subject of joy, joy is rather like a multi-faceted diamond which reflects God’s nature and character.

A diamond is an octahedron, a 3D shape with 8 faces, a bit like two square-based pyramids, one on top of the other. A gemmologist looks for different things when defining a diamond, known as the four Cs: carat (weight), cut (the symmetry and polish), colour and clarity (how pure is the diamond?) We too can see different aspects of joy as we read the Bible: how it is not dependent on circumstances but is found in God and received as a gift from God, how joy is centred on who God is and what He does and how joy is refined in us through the trials of life. (1 Pet 1:4-6, James 1:2-5) Joy is more than the happy feelings we have at happy times (like births, weddings, baptisms, promotions, moving into a new house and so on.) It is a spiritual gift which God wants us to unwrap not only at Christmas but every day of our lives!