To Be In God’s Presence

Dave spoke tonight from Luke 10:30-42. In this passage, we see Jesus and His disciples stopping at Bethany, at the home of Lazarus, Martha and Mary. Martha seems to have been proactive in welcoming Jesus and looked after Him well. Jesus used this opportunity to...

Lingering In God’s Presence

Joshua succeeded ultimately because he learned to hear God’s commands and to obey them. Before the victories in Canaan, he had learned to linger in God’s presence. (Ex 33:11) He learned to wait for God’s instructions (his encounter with the commander...

Lessons from the Life of Joshua

This morning in our series ‘The Miraculous & The Mundane’, we looked at the life of Joshua. Joshua (first seen in Ex 17:8-16) was the aide of Moses, a military man from the tribe of Ephraim who (along with Caleb) was one of only two men who saw both...

Prayer for Fredrick & Reeba

As you know, we support Fredrick and Reeba who work in Bangalore, India. For some time now the situation there has been difficult, with Hindus bringing about opposition to Christianity as many Hindus convert to Christianity and are baptised. A lawsuit ha been filed...

The Calling of Matthew

Dave spoke last week from Mattjew 9:9-13, the calling of Matthew as a disciple of Jesus. Matthew (Levi), a hated tax collector, was called by Jesus to follow Him. When this happened, he put down his pen, didn’t even finish the form he was working on, pushed back...