Bezalel & Oholiab

Two of my favourite Bible characters appear in the story of the building of the Tabernacle: Bezalel and Oholiab (Ex 31:1-11, Ex 36:1-7) Bezalel and Oholiab were the artists who would turn the detail of God’s commandments into reality. God appointed these two artists...

Building The Tabernacle

This morning in our series looking at ‘The Miraculous & The Mundane’, we saw how Moses was given the task of building the tabernacle, a place where God’s glory would dwell. These detailed instructions (Ex 25-40) show us that God is interested in...

What Are You Saying To Yourself?

Michael Rosen, in his programme ‘Word of Mouth’ on Radio 4,  dealt with the subject of internal conversation, commonly known as ‘talking to yourself.’ This is something we all do, but it is not something we like to talk about. We may view this...