As you know, we support Fredrick and Reeba who work in Bangalore, India. For some time now the situation there has been difficult, with Hindus bringing about opposition to Christianity as many Hindus convert to Christianity and are baptised. A lawsuit ha been filed against the church and against Fredrick, with false accusations about building violations and illegal baptisms. Fredrick has had to visit the Police Commissioner’s office to give evidence that these allegations are untrue and the next hearing is on 27th August. Please pray for them to find favour and for justice to be done so that their work can continue unhindered.

Please also pray for the Tailoring ministry (graduation is in November and they are saving money to buy the sewing machines they give to each woman who graduates) and for their ministry to remote areas such as Kaparahalli. Reeba asks for prayer for her friend Sharmila who has cancer which is spreading. Treatment for this is expensive in India, and the family (which has a son who is deaf and cannot speak) has had to borrow almost £2500 to pay for this treatment. Pray that the Lord will intervene and help in this situation.