Jubilee Fun Day (4)

Here are some more photos from this Wednesday’s Jubilee Fun Day which was a wonderful day in Phoenix Park. Hopefully these give you a flavour of some of the things that happened throughout the day.  

Jubilee Fun Day Dog Show

We know the Queen loves corgis and has apparently owned 30 over her lifetime. We had a Dog Show at the Jubilee Fun Day and saw some amazing dogs. Our thanks to the Mayor of Barnsley and to local councillors who judged the competition and gave out prizes and to...

Thank You To Volunteers!

This week is ‘National Volunteers’ Week’. We certainly couldn’t manage one day at GPCC without the volunteers who work so hard to make church a fun experience and so this is an opportunity to say a great big THANK YOU to you all! Volunteering...

Jubilee Fun Day (2)

We were privileged to have Matthew Tiffany from Greentop Circus with us, thanks to funding from the Ward Alliance. We also had princesses to host our Fancy Dress Parade:

Jubilee Fun Day (1)

The Jubilee Fun Day at Phoenix Park started early, ensuring everyone could find me once I got to Phoenix Park and that I remained aware of who’s really in charge! I even had crowns on my nails to fit in with the Dearne Churches Together activity of making...