He Called My Name

Last night, Dave spoke movingly about the life of Mary Magdalene. A woman from Magdala, a wealthy city, Mary’s life was transformed when she met Jesus and was delivered of demons who had controlled her life and led her to live in ways that were harmful to...

Living With The Resurrection

Garry continued his study on Joseph this morning, looking at his elevation or promotion in Gen 41:41-43 and seeing in this a type of Christ’s resurrection and elevation. After so many years of adversity, the tables were turned as one day Joseph was in prison and...

He is risen!

Easter Sunday is here and we rejoice with the message of the angels that ‘He is not here, but has risen.’ (Luke 24:1-12) These words were spoken to the women who had come to the tomb expecting to anoint the body of their Lord. They had come ‘to bury with him their...

Good Friday

We celebrated our Good Friday service by eating a meal together, just as Jesus did at the Last Supper with His disciples. After the meal, we shared Holy Communion and had a service where we focussed on our Lent theme of ‘changing.’ Change is possible...

Holy Saturday

As we said yesterday, life is rarely 100% happy. ‘The ancient biblical narratives about the resurrection of Jesus contain a mixture of ecstasy and despondency, an intermingling of delight and discouragement,’ Sally Welch writes. (‘Sharing The Easter Story’, P 215) Not...