Offer Your Lives As Sacrifices

Rom 12:1-2 urges us ‘in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.’ Each one of us has something precious to offer to God: ourselves! We all have gifts to share, talents that God has...

The Sacrifice of Praise

Sin offerings in the Old Testament were the way that people dealt with the corrupting and pervasive problem of sin in the human heart. They involved the death of an animal and foreshadowed the death of Jesus Christ as a sin offering for all of humanity. Christ’s death...

Christ, our Passover Lamb

1 Cor 5:6-8 reminds us of how a little leaven (yeast) works through the whole dough. Sally Welch takes us into the realm of New Testament cooking, showing us that bread was made by keeping back a small piece of dough from the previous batch, which was left for a few...