How, God? (2) – In Love & Paradox

We looked at some of the ways in which God works this morning, trying to discern His ways and means in our world. We saw that God works primarily through love because He is love. (1 John 4:8) Motives are hugely important to God; why we do things is as important as...

How, God?

This morning we continued our series exploring the big question of life, and looked at the question ‘How does God work?’ We saw that God’s ways and means are very different to ours and that He cares as much about how we do things as what we do. Key to understanding...

Shrove Tuesday Gift Bags

You’ve probably all heard the story of the girl who rescued starfish, only to be told there was no point doing this because of the sheer need all around: “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin...

God’s Discipline

The love of God is often talked about and preached about (especially on Valentine’s Day!) and it’s important that we do so, because as a rule, we find it immensely difficult to believe that God could possibly love us! We find it difficult to grasp His...

God is love

Today is Valentine’s Day, the day when we celebrate love, especially romantic love. ‘Love’ can mean many different things in English, but the ultimate definition of love is found in 1 John 4:8,16 where we are told that ‘God is love.’ 1...