This morning we continued our series exploring the big question of life, and looked at the question ‘How does God work?’ We saw that God’s ways and means are very different to ours and that He cares as much about how we do things as what we do. Key to understanding God’s ways is the passage from Isaiah 55:8-9 which tells us that His thoughts and ways are so much higher than ours. We cannot ever hope to fathom God’s ways if we only use human reasoning and understanding.

Life is a journey; Jesus told us He was ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life.’ (John 14:6) So often, we are more concerned with destinations rather than the journey, but God is as concerned with the process of transformation along the way as He is with our final destination (being conformed to the image of Christ, as Rom 8:29 says.) Transformation means a total renewing of our minds (Rom 12:1-2), starting with the U-turn of repentance (Mark 1:15) and continuing with our daily discipleship, believing and following Jesus and becoming ‘fishers of people.’ (Mark 1:17) We simply cannot carry on viewing life, people and God as the world does; God works through transformation and a reordering of reality, so that we see life as it really is, not as the world pretends it is.