Advent activities

We are preparing a range of Advent activities to help us ‘let every heart prepare Him room’, in the words of the carol ‘O Little Town of Bethlehem’. Many of these will be online, but some will be in person. Dearne Churches Together will be...

God Is Good

The benevolence or goodness of God lies at the heart of the Christian faith. The longer I journey with God, the more I see that who He is and what He is like must inform my thinking and living, otherwise I am in danger of idolatry. If I worship a god made in my own...

More Questions

The news that a church service in Islington was stopped yesterday by police[1] raises interesting questions about the legality of lockdown and the moral issues it raises during these difficult times. The Angel Church’s pastor, Regan King, spoke about his need to...

Signed, Sealed and Delivered

Stephen spoke tonight on the theme ‘Signed, Sealed and Delivered.’ This idiom refers to a legal deed, which to be valid had to be signed by the seller, sealed with a wax seal, and delivered to the new owner. It’s often used in contracts (e.g. to buy...

Who Is God?

This morning, we looked at the big question ‘Who Is God?’ It matters enormously who God is and what He is like, so we spent time exploring this issue, looking at: 1. God as Creator God is the Creator, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Ps 121:2, Ps 134:3, Ps...