Kept By God’s Grace

If Paul’s warnings to the Ephesian elders fill us with disquiet (can we really be distracted from the path of truth so easily?), it is also worth noting that Paul speaks with confidence to these men, saying, ‘I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can...

Distorting The Truth

Heresy is a belief or doctrine that is contrary to orthodox doctrine. It’s a danger to every church, because God’s truth is absolute; Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) and we need to hold on to truth to know freedom. (John 8:32) Heresy does not...

Shepherds & Sheep

The role of shepherds and sheep is a recurring one in Scripture. Many of God’s people were shepherds (Moses, Jacob, David), and the relationship between the two is often used metaphorically to describe God and His people (see Ps 100:3, Ps 23, John 10.) The prophets...

Important Truths (2)

Here are some Scriptures to start you off as you delve into these important Biblical truths. The grace of God This is one of the key themes in Paul’s writings and in the whole Bible. Grace is defined as the ‘unmerited favour of God.’ Quite simply, God is good to us...

Important Truths

Paul covers a lot of important truths in his speech to the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:13-38. These include teaching on: the grace of God (Acts 20:24, 32) the kingdom of God (Acts 20:25) the purpose or will of God (Acts 20:27) repentance and faith (Acts 20:21) the...