Keeping Clear Vision

Stephen spoke this morning about keeping our vision clear. Ps 16:1,5, 8 all speak of the refuge, security and peace which God can bring us, and in these uncertain times, when we may feel unsettled and afraid, it’s more important than ever that we fix our eyes on...

December News

Throughout December there will be the opportunity to join us in person for services and also to watch online for a number of special Advent features. Each weekday between 1st and 24th December, Julie will be reading excerpts from the Christmas story online to help us...

The Jesse Tree

This morning, we started looking at how to make a Jesse Tree, through which we explore the reasons Jesus had to come to earth at Christmas. The name comes from Isaiah’s prophecy: ‘A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will...

The Importance of Fellowship

Another significant feature in Acts 21:1-16 is the value and importance Paul placed on fellowship. These verses give us a whistle-stop journey from Kos to Rhodes to Patara on to Tyre, Ptolemais and Caesarea, and in these latter places, Paul made a point of seeking out...

The Lord’s Will Be Done

The prayer ‘Your will be done’ (uttered by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane as recorded in Luke 22:42 and Matt 26:42) represents for us Jesus’s total surrender to God’s will. He knew the agony that awaited Him on the cross and was fully aware of the spiritual and...