Everyday Parables

Parables were one of Jesus’s favourite means of teaching. Often defined as ‘an earthly story with a heavenly meaning’, parables dealt with familiar scenarios (a farmer sowing seed, a merchant buying a valuable jewel, a businessman with two sons), yet...

Watch and Pray

Dave spoke tonight from Isaiah 62:6-7 on the importance of prayer. Prayer is not an optional extra for the Christian; it is an essential part of our life with God. In fact, all people pray (even if it’s only in times of distress), but for the Christian, prayer...

Schadenfreude or encouragement?

Garry spoke this morning on the subject of encouragement, looking at how we respond to others, especially when they fall. The famous scene from ‘Only Fools And Horses’ where Del Boy falls through the open bar door makes us laugh because of the comic timing...

The Power of Song

During our Bible studies on the Psalms, we discussed the power of song and how music and song are powerful ways of communicating and retaining God’s message in our hearts. No wonder Nebuchadnezzar connected worship with music, ordering the people to bow down as...