The chicken and the egg…

Our quiz tonight looked at different kinds of eggs and we had to identify the creature hatched from those eggs – these included not only chickens, but penguins, sea horses and other weird and wonderful creatures! Then we had to ‘wrap up’ people...

Resurrection Day

I am loving the ‘so what?’ of preaching lately! Jesus is alive! So what? Rend Collective’s song ‘Resurrection Day’ (now known in our house as the ‘oh-oh’ song, because this is what Esther sings when she hears the song start on CD – listen to the video and...


Tonight’s family service had the theme ‘Resurrection!’ (what else could we talk about on Easter Sunday?!), and there is a sense in which it’s perfect to have Easter Sunday on April Fool’s Day as we contemplate the foolishness of God being wiser than human wisdom! (see...

Known By Name

The gospel accounts of the Resurrection are all the more powerful for not being a neatly packaged narrative. They tell the story as it was: confused, fearful disciples who were not expecting Jesus to rise from the dead (despite His many predictions!), faithful women...