October news

There are some special meetings happening in October. The ‘Churches Together’ monthly prayer meeting will be on Tuesday 9th October at 10.30 a.m. at GPCC. This is an opportunity to pray with Christians from local churches about our lives, our communities...

Light Party

We are very excited to be hosting the ‘Churches Together’ Light Party on Wednesday 31st October between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. This is an opportunity to explore the idea that God is the LIght of the World and wants us to reflect His light. Paul urged the...

Do not fret

Stephen spoke from Ps 37:1-7 tonight, a psalm which (like Ps 73) deals with the subject of the frustrations and anxiety we feel when we look around us and see the godless prospering. The psalmist repeatedly commands us not to fret (Ps 37:1, 7, 8), since it leads to...