Blind Date

‘Blind Date’ was a UK TV series hosted by Cilla Black which aimed to match up couples without them actually seeing each other. It’s much harder to do anything without the benefit of sight, and the story of the healing of a blind man (Mark 8:22-26)...

Summer Fun at GPCC

Today’s Summer Fun day at GPCC was another great success, with fine weather and lots of activities to do. Setting up at the start: Great food again! Thanks to Karen Dunn, who did a great job teaching us how to make clay pots and animals: We had fun decorating...

See Beyond the Sand

A desert is a huge place filled with sand. Unlike the variety of a normal landscape, with hills, valleys, fields and rivers, a desert can seem monotonous, tedious and life-threatening (since water is a luxury in such landscapes, but a necessity for life.) Trudging...

Preparing for Summer Fun at GPCC

Preparations for the Summer Fun day which will be held at GPCC tomorrow (Wednesday 15th August) were not really that onerous, as the pictures below show! We’ll be decorating maps of Yorkshire, which will then be displayed at the Dearne Community Arts’...