His Love Endures Forever!

In concluding our Bible studies on the historical psalms, tonight we looked at Psalms 135 and 136, understanding that these psalms combine a rich vein of thanksgiving with historical facts about God as creator (Ps 135:6-7, Ps 136:5-9) and redeemer. Both psalms refer...

Birthday joys

We had three special birthdays to celebrate tonight, with all three special people reaching ‘significant’ milestones tomorrow and Tuesday. Our very best wishes to all three!

More Scarborough photos

Thanks to Alan for these photos from Scarborough. On the coach… Sights from Scarborough… Ice-cream is a common theme… Fun and games on the beach… One photographer posing for another…

Your Purpose

Victor Frankl, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps, concluded that people can endure great suffering if there is meaning in the suffering for them, that life perceived as meaningless is one of the hardest things for the human spirit to bear. The good news is...