Everyday Witness

Our service last night looked at the subject of ‘Everyday Witness’, focussing on Jesus’s words to His disciples known as the ‘Great Commission.’ (Matt 28:16-20) Even after the Resurrection, there was a mixed response amongst the...

I hate sheep!

This provocative title was chosen by Mark as he continued his series on Joseph this morning, looking at Gen 46:28-34 and then at Gen 47:1-12. It might be said to sum up the Egyptians’ attitude to shepherds and sheep, which was potentially bad news for...

Dates for the diary

Services will be at the usual times this weekend, but don’t forget some of the special events coming up in May. The church day out to Bridlington is on Monday 4th May. We will be leaving church at 8.45 a.m. and will leave Bridlington at 5.30 p.m., so hopefully...

Community room work

We are very grateful for the many volunteers and workmen who help to keep our building up-to-date, especially those who recently painted some of the toilets. This past week, Dave has been supervising specialised work in the community room as joiners provided a board...

Talking truth to yourself

Some say that talking to yourself is a sign of madness; others that talking to yourself is O.K., but answering back is risky! Whether we acknowledge that we talk to ourselves (not necessarily outloud) or not, the fact remains that there is an internal dialogue that...