All in all…

‘Christ is… … light to enlighten the soul, … wisdom to counsel the soul, … power to support the soul, … goodness to supply the soul, … mercy to pardon the soul, … beauty to delight the soul, … glory to ravish the soul,...

Spiritual wisdom

Last night’s Bible study looked at the topic of spiritual wisdom (1 Cor 2:1-5).  The desire for wisdom was part of the reason for the Fall of mankind (Gen 3:6), but there is a vast difference between man’s wisdom and God’s, as Paul has been...

Maputo news

Your prayers for Steve and Katuska Davies in Mozambique are particularly appreciated at the moment, as tensions rise between South Africa and Mozambique. There have been demonstrations in Maputo following the deaths of some Mozambicans in South Africa and the border...


Spring is my favourite season. When the coldness and barrenness of winter begin to pass and flowers begin to bud and blossom, there is a real sense of hope which rises in my heart. I think of the words in Song of Solomon which bring encouragement and hope to us after...

Making disciples

There are 4 aspects to making disciples mentioned by Jesus in Matt 28:16-20: 1. Obedience The ‘Great Commission’ is a command, not an optional extra. Our love for God is proved by our obedience to actually doing what He says (see John 14:15, 1 John 2:3-4)....