Sacrificial giving

Today being Palm Sunday, Stephen spoke from Matt 21:1-18 this morning. Normally we view Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem as the crowd’s acknowledgment of Him as King. The celebration  element is prevalent in the narrative: we see Jesus riding on a...


The next words from the cross we will consider is the prayer recorded in Luke 23:54: ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’ The ‘them’ of this prayer includes those who were actively involved in the death of Jesus:...


The first cry of Jesus from the cross which we will consider is His cry from Ps 22:1: ‘My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?’ (Matt 27:46) It is a cry of dereliction, a cry of desolation. Christians traditionally understand this prayer not only as an...

Entering the mystery

Today is Palm Sunday and as we enter the final week of Jesus’s life and focus on His death and ultimately on His resurrection, we are aware that we are entering a mystery we can never fully comprehend. The fact that Jesus chose to suffer and die for the sins of...