Dead Things to Life

Rom 4:17 reminds us that God is the One who ‘gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.’ Jesus gave ample evidence of the first part of the verse in the miraculous healings He performed. On two occasions (Luke 7:14, Luke 8:53), He...

Worship Central #100Gatherings

Last night a group of us from church went to the Worship Central #100Gatherings event in Sheffield: The aim was to hold 100 different prayer & worship meetings in 100 different worldwide locations over 10 days, and Sheffield (hosted by St Thomas Crookes church,...

Love’s true form

Mark spoke about love’s first kiss revealing love’s true form at the family service last night. Based on the ‘Shrek’ films, he recounted how Princess Fiona was cursed, so that by daytime she was a beautiful princess, but at night became a...